musings n thoughts

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Why massive particles may travel faster than light.

There is a lot of hue and cry these days at an experiment that has detected a neutrino travelling faster than light. Many physicists are skeptical and are asking for extraordinary evidence as they feel this is an extraordinary result. Many are calling for more accurate measurements of time, distance and masses involved. I believe this may not be an extraordinary circumstance as in my humble interpretation of special relativity it only prohibits massive bodies from traversing the light speed barrier and do not say anything about particles born travelling at speeds greater than the speed of light.  My interpretation is as follows:

Special relativity holds that when massive bodies travel at speed , their length in the direction of motion contarcts by a factor of  (sq root of (1 - v squared / c squared)) . Similarly their mass increases by the same factor, and finally their clock slows down by the same factor.
The above three effects can be readily understood if we consider a 2 – dimensional world (for the sake of this discussion) and add time as a third dimension to this world. We need to make just one conjecture to explain the above three effects in this 2+1 space time continuum. The conjecture is that as a body travels in space with a velocity v, it tilts up in the time dimension. The angle of inclination depends upon the velocity. I will illustrate this conjecture with a diagram:
Figure 1 A cross section of 2+1 space time

Let us suppose that a rocket R1R2 is travelling at velocity v toward right. According to the conjecture only its ‘shadow’ R1R3 is visible to the inhabitants of the 2D space.  Obviously length L of the rocket visible to the inhabitants is smaller than its rest length Lo. Now special relativity tells us that L = Lo(sq root of (1 - v squared / c squared)).

From Eq.2 when v = 0, K = 0 and when v = c, K = Lo. That is when the rocket is at rest, there is no tilt and hence no length contraction. As the speed of the rocket increase the tilt increases, therefore the length visible to 2D people shrinks. Now, when the rocket is tilted, another effect comes into being. As the Force applied to the rocket to accelerate it in the right direction (in space) is actually being applied at an angle to the space dimension it produces less acceleration in x direction as compared to the expected value (From F = ma law). 
From Eq.2 force available for acceleration in space dimension is reduced by a factor (sq root of (1 - v squared / c squared)), the 2D people interpret it by saying the mass of the rocket has increased by the same factor. Now as v approaches c, the inclination angle gets steeper and steeper and the force component available in space becomes smaller and smaller. Eventually at v = c the rocket is completely vertical and travelling only in the time dimension, and to space people it seems that no matter how much force they apply to the rocket it wont budge an inch, and they therefore conclude that its mass has become infinite and its length has become zero. 
Finally we can explain the time dilation by considering the following fact. If a boat is traveling at a speed v, which is the same as the speed of the water in the river, but in the opposite direction, to an observer standing on the bank of the river the boat looks still.

Figure 2 standing boat

Now when the rocket is vertical it is moving in the time dimension with the speed at which time seems to be moving to the inhabitant of 2D space but in the opposite direction, consequently giving the impression to the observers that the rocket time is stationary.

However, if a body travels at a speed faster than the speed of “time river”, its length may become  negative and its time will start flowing in the reverse direction, and in presence of these two effects its mass will become meaningless. (in other words, instead of offering resistance to the force, the rocket will start attracting the force, whatever that might mean)  (Assuming that the angle will keep on increasing).

On the other hand, the angle of 90 degree may be some kind of a limit, after which the movement of the body would remain vertical, but only increase in speed. In this case, a massive body born travelling at a speed greater than the speed of light will remain undetectable to 2D space people. However, if, in rare cases, they are somehow able to detect the birth and demise of such particles, they may indirectly conclude that it must have traveled at speeds faster than that of light.