Monday, January 09, 2012


Do I dare write about Kant? So far I haven't. But now I feel,if I don't write I'll never be able to "wrap my head around him". Funny phrase - gives me a headache already. Anyway, when I read that Kant wanted to reconcile or reproach the gap or divide between rationalism and empiricism, but he couldn't quite succeed - I ask why? Is this not sort of obvious. Lets take an analogy - a modern day computer (unfortunately not yet invented in Kant's time). Lets equip this modern day computer with a lot of sensors so that it could accumulate a lot of sensory data. The sensors are capable of sensing and storing this data we assume. Also provide this computer with a state of the art processing core. Now turn this computer on. It starts collecting lots of empirical data - images, video, sounds, temperature, texture, scents, and perhaps even pain and happiness. If this computer is to ever start talking it needs to have some pre- installed instructions of how to respond  and 'make sense of'' this rapidly accumulating data. So there needs to be some before hand warnings of what to expect and some pre existing receptacles for this incoming data. How else can this data be ever useful? However, it is also obvious that not all empirical data can even in principle be fed before hand into this computer as most of this data gets generated in real time as a result of interactions of all moving things. This is what I feel Kant wanted to say. To see if I am wrong I have to read him again. So lets do it.


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